Leena (5954)

Hi darlings, you need to try the new Leena head from Catwa with the new enlight skin Bia, it fits so perfectly together…look at my picture. Both you can get at the Skin Fair…


What I wear:

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Astrid (5953)

Hello friends,  now I use the 2nd skin from theSkinnery – Astrid. I wear the shape from the skin, and the head is Avalon. My hair is new from Analog Dog and I have more…


What I wear:

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Marsai (5952)

Hi lovelies, now you meet Marsai, the newest skin from theSkinnery. You can get this skin at the Skin Fair 2024. I use the shape from the skin with the Lelutka Avalon head. Marsai is a cutie…


What I wear:

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